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Articles Category: Agile Organization

Discover strategies for building a successful Agile organization. Learn best practices, tips, and insights to enhance team collaboration and project outcomes.

What is Agile?

What is Agile? Agile designed to add energy, focus, clarity, and transparency to project teams developing complex systems. It enforce a simple set of rules that allows rapid self-organization of software  teams to produce systems with evolving architectures. Agile is

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The Five Dreyfus Model Stages

During the seventies, the Dreyfus brothers conducted a thorough research on the topic of how an individual obtains and masters a skill. They observed people with high-quality expertise in different spheres and came to the conclusion, that the individual doesn’t

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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

When you are a member of a team, it is necessary to try and think all the problems that may occur and fix the dysfunctions that you may come across. This way you will be able to face them soon

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