PMI-ACP Self-Paced Online Course

Earning your PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® designation has never been easier. This self-paced, online course allows you to earn the required 21 contact hours faster. It also prepares you for the exam. The training covers the recommended course outline; ten tools and techniques, 43 knowledge areas and skills, and five practice domains. It also includes all 12 of PMI’s recommended reference books. Your unmatched learning experience includes:

  • Course modules
  • Interactive activities and exercises
  • Quizzes
  • Reference cards
  • Key definition flash cards
  • Assessment Practice Test

The PMI-ACP credential can benefit anyone who has experience working on Agile projects. It is not limited to project managers or PMP® credential holders. Individuals who obtain this credential demonstrate a level of professionalism in Agile practices; this increases professional versatility in both plan-driven and Agile techniques.

Exam Prep Activities

PMI uses situational scenarios with conditions that mimic real-life work experiences in the Agile environment. The Exam Prep activities help you fill gaps in your personal experience, develop your understanding of the Agile mindset, and improve your understanding of the underlying concepts of Agile values, principles, and practices.


Flash cards are simple and effective. Grouped in specific knowledge areas, they display only essential information, allowing for quicker recall of basic terms.

Practice Exam

Pinpoints weak areas
Multiple choice questions; detailed explanations
Similar user experience to actual exam
Provides valuable feedback for each answer

Exam Prep Resources

We’re about more than the exam. We maintain recommended industry resource pages; that allows students to follow Agile trends and gain a broader perspective. These resources are valuable not only for exam prep, but for career advancement.

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Course Modules / Learning Objectives

#Course ModuleLearning ObjectivesTopics
1PMI-ACP OverviewAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Describe PMI-ACP eligibility criteria, timelines and certification process
- Review exam information, content and reference material suggested by PMI
PMI-ACP Certification overview
PMI-ACP Eligibility Requirements
Certification Process
Content Outline -Domain & Tasks, Exam Information
Reference Material

2What is Agile?At the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Understanding what, when, why and how of Agile
- Know the origin/history of Agile
- Demonstrate an understanding of the Agile Manifesto, Values, Principles, and Practices
- Recognize that Agile is a mindset
- List the benefits of using Agile
- Understand the difference between Being Agile vs. Doing Agile
What is Agile?
Agile history
Agile Manifesto
Agile Values
Agile Principles
Being Agile vs. Doing Agile
Why Agile?
Agile, an Umbrella term
Prescriptive vs. Adaptive methods
3Agile and Traditional Project ManagementAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Identify the differences between traditional structured project management and Agile empirical/adaptive project management
- Understand traditional plan-driven and Agile view of managing complex projects
- Define Agile project language and the terminologies typically used by an Agile projects teams
Traditional project management phases
Agile incremental delivery
Evolution to an Agile Triangle
Differences between Traditional waterfall and Agile
4Agile TeamsAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Operating model of agile teams
- Distinguish different stages of learning using Shu Ha Ri
- Explain Tuckman's stages of group development
- Understand the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
- Recognize different levels of conflict
Agile Teams
Generalize specialist / T shaped persons
Agile team spaces
Osmotic communication
Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Agility and stages of learning: Shu, Ha, Ri
Tuckman's Stages of Group Development
The Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition
Brainstorming Techniques
Five Levels of Conflict and Resolution
5Agile Planning & EstimationAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Recognize multiple levels of planning in Agile
- Describe what is planning onion
- Write product vision statement using a template
- Explain Agile chartering
- Describe product roadmap and story mapping and
- List the key areas of release and iteration planning
- Identify the challenges in estimation
-List the reasons and be able to explain the who, what and how of estimation in traditional projects
- Explain the concept behind cone of uncertainty
- Describe wideband Delphi and planning poker
- Relate affinity estimates
Agile planning and estimation
Multiple levels of planning
Planning onion
Product Vision
Sample product vision statements
Product roadmap
Release planning
Iteration planning
Key Agile planning lessons
Agile estimation
Why do we estimate?
What, who and how do we estimate?
The cone of uncertainty
Planning Poker
Planning poker steps
Affinity estimating
6ScrumAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Explain the definition of Scrum
- List Scrum pillars
- Summarize Scrum cycle
- Interpret the roles and responsibilities of Scrum Team
- Distinguish Scrum events/ceremonies
- Describe Scrum artifacts
Scrum roles, ceremonies and artifacts
Scrum pillars
Scrum cycle summary
Scrum roles
Product Owner
Scrum Master and
Development Team
Scrum ceremonies
Sprint planning
Daily stand-up
Scrum artifacts
Product Backlog
Sprint Backlog
Sprint Increment
7Extreme Programming (XP)At the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Describe Extreme Programming
- Explain the XP lifecycle
- Identify key XP concepts including values, principles, and practices
- Understand XP team, planning integration and programming practices
- List XP roles and understand the responsibilities fall under each role
- Recognize and different naming convention used by XP and Scrum terminologies
Extreme Programming
XP values (courage, feedback simplicity, respect, and communication)
Principles (diversity, humanity, improvement, failure, reflection, flow…)
Integration practices (continuous integration, ten minutes build)
Team practices (Energized work, information workspace, whole team, sit together)
Planning (stories, weekly cycle, quarterly cycles)
Programming (test first programming, pair programming, incremental design)
Key roles
Key concepts (refactoring, technical debt, time-boxing, last responsible moments, mindfulness, theory of constraint)
Scrum vs. extreme programming
8LeanAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Explain Lean
- Compare seven wastes of manufacturing with waste of software development
- List Lean software development principles
- Understand Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
- Explain Theory of Constraints (TOC)
What is Lean
Seven wastes of software Development
Lean Development Principles
Value Stream Mapping
Theory of Constraints
9KanbanAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Describe the Kanban Model
- Identify the importance of work in progress (WIP) limit
- Name core Kanban principles
- Recognize the Kanban matrix and able to a draw cumulative flow diagram
- Identify key differentiators of Kanban and discuss the situations/environment where the application of Kanban can be utilized.
- Identify differences between Scrum and Kanban
Kanban board with Work in Progress (WIP)
Five core principles of Kanban
Classes of Services (CoS)
Kanban Attributes
Scrum vs. Kanban
10Product BacklogAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Describe what is a product backlog
- Outline the qualities of a good product backlog
- Recognize the purpose of conducting product backlog grooming sessions
Product Backlog
Product Backlog Grooming
Properties of a good Backlog: DEEP)
11User StoriesAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Explain the purpose of writing a requirement in user stories format
- Understand using the template of writing good user stories
• Identify the importance of card, conversation, and confirmation
• Attributes of a good user story
• Distinguish between epic, story, and theme
• Recognize the importance of writing acceptance criteria
• Summarize difference between acceptance criteria, acceptance test and definition of done
- Develop an understanding of slicing vs. layering
- Describe user role modeling and understand the roles, persona, and extreme characters terminologies
- Apply the knowledge and write effective user stories
User Stories
User Story Template
The 3C's of a User Story
Attribute of good user stories (INVEST)
Sample User Stories
Slices vs. Layers
Acceptance Criteria
User roles
User Persona
Why Persona is important
Extreme Characters
Epic, Stories, and Themes
Compound Story
Complex Story
12Agile TestingAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Compare traditional & Agile testing
- Explain whole team collaborative approach to effective testing
- Explain different Agile testing practices e.g. test-driven development/test-first development, acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) and exploratory testing
- Assess the key learnings from Agile testing approach
Agile Testing
Effective Testing in Agile Projects
Test Driven Development (TDD)
Acceptance Test Driven Development)
Stage of ATDD Cycle
Exploratory Testing
Testing approaches: Scripted vs. Exploratory
Agile Testing: Key Learnings
13Agile MetricsAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Track and show the status of project and the team
- Understand the performance metrics used in Agile projects
- Explain team velocity and perform necessary calculations to find out average velocity for planning purposes
- Explain cycle time and perform necessary calculations
- Identify the benefit of cumulative flow diagram (CFD) and be able to interpret the diagrams
- Compare the usage of burn-up and burn-down charts
Waterfall vs. Agile metrics
Team Velocity
Cycle time
Activity: how to reduce cycle time
Burn-up charts
Burn-down charts
Group activity: draw a burn-up chart
Activity: reading burn-up and burn-down chart
Cumulative flow Diagram (CFD)
Escape defects
14Agile RetrospectiveAt the conclusion of this module, students should be able to:

- Describe retrospective and its purpose
- Describe how to facilitate retrospective
What is retrospective
Why Retrospective
Five phases of retrospective

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To know more about PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), please read our PMI-ACP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


"Very useful and clear course with lots flash cards and mini-tests that enabled me to get my full mock test score up from ~65% to 85% in just 8 hours of study". -Stuart Mail

"360PMO was easy to navigate and contains all the reference materials I need to study for the ACP. Thank you!." -Mary E. LeCluyse

"This was a great course to take. I was familiar with Agile prior to the class. It reinforced my knowledge of the subject and provided confidence towards the certification test." Tonja M. Evans

"360PMO provides a concise and thorough examination of the PMP Agile Certification material. After the training, I felt more confident and competent with my Agile PM duties. !" -Dana Houston Jackson

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