360PMO announces Lean Leadership Workshop in Collaboration with Shift2Lean for Construction Professionals

written by 360pmo on April 4, 2019 in Uncategorized with no comments

360PMO Project Management Consulting Inc. a growing coaching and training company, today announces a specialized Lean workshop for construction professionals in collaboration with Shift2Lean Inc.

Shift2Lean Inc. is one of the pioneer companies in Canada that deliver high-performance building projects, through the implementation of lean and integrated project delivery practices.

Lean project delivery helps organizations to deliver projects more efficiently while enhancing productivity, and improving profitability throughout the construction project. Lean Construction has demonstrated its ability to minimize costs and maximize value for all project participants.

This highly interactive workshop jointly offered by 360PMO & Shift2Lean shall introduce learners a Lean mindset, principles, and practices. A workshop specifically targeted to the construction professionals and offer hands-on activities, simulations, tools, and techniques. Each participant will receive:

About 360PMO Project Management Consulting Inc.

360PMO is a successful provider of project management training and consulting. Our mission is to enhance practices in the industry and help professionals and organizations to achieve their goals through our comprehensive offerings. Our services include agile adoption consulting, corporate onsite agile training, methodology development, project and program strategy consulting. Visit us at www.360pmo.com,  www.facebook.com/360pmo, and on twitter@360pmohttps://twitter.com/360pmo.

About Shift2Lean Inc.

Shift2Lean (S2L) specializes in the delivery of high-performance building projects, through the implementation of lean and integrated project delivery practices. As early adopters of Lean Project Delivery, our Team is at the forefront of developing and building Lean capacity in the building industry. We are founding members of the Lean Construction Institute – Canada and are active in growing the Lean industry and delivering Lean training to all sectors, Owners, Designers, Contractors, Major Trades and Supply Chain. Learn More: http://www.shift2lean.ca/about