Planning Onion

Agile Approach to Planning

Agile’s main goal is to make the overall workflow processes in a company smoother, quicker and more productive while adapting them to the respective capabilities and character of each individual. In a business perspective, it could be described as the …

five dysfunctions of a team

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

When you are a member of a team, it is necessary to try and think all the problems that may occur and fix the dysfunctions that you may come across. This way you will be able to face them soon …


PMI-ACP® – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Agile has become more common today as people seek efficient, streamlined ways of managing their project. In order to run a successful agile project, people look for certification like PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®. If you are considering PMI-ACP, the …